Life coaching


Our Life coaching programme is for anyone who wants to be fully engaged in life and living to their full potential. Typically each programme takes place over six to twelve months and consists of fifteen to thirty hours coaching, planned as two hours coaching every four to six weeks plus telephone coaching taken as required.

Every programme is bespoke to the needs of the individual client and is designed to fulfil the goals and objectives that the client develops during the initial coaching meetings.

Life coaching focuses on what is most important in a client’s personal and professional life and on fulfilling their aspirations.

Every coaching programme includes our core coaching framework plus specialist coaching relevant to the goals and personal situation of each client. The client sets the agenda of each coaching session. The coach is focused on facilitating the client to experience “breakthrough” in the area of greatest importance to them at the time.

In a typical life coaching programme we can work on areas such as:

  • Career and career development
  • Finances
  • Primary personal relationship
  • Family
  • Home/living space
  • Hobbies
  • Family
  • Important life transitions
  • Personal and professional development
  • Health and vitality
  • Interpersonal issues
  • Eliminating negative stress
  • Achieving and sustaining an appropriate life balance
  • Dealing with conflict
  • Resolving complex issues
  • Self-awareness
  • Other areas important to our clients


Our coaches support clients to reliably access a zone of high performance where results are well beyond what was previously considered possible for the client. This is achieved by supporting the client to develop a medium or longer-term aspiration in the area/s of life they want to work on; by empowering them to take the required steps to fulfil their aspirations; by developing self-awareness and by cultivating presence.


A client’s feedback

“My coaching programme has grown and evolved to support me as I have taken on new challenges, new responsibilities and new decisions. Results have always been greater than I expected. I feel fulfilled about the results I’ve achieved and many things are possible for me now that were not possible for me before my coaching programme.

Most importantly the work that I have done with my Performance Impact coach has changed my life. I am now closer to the person I always wanted to be and I knew I could be. I could feel all this potential inside, but could never find the way to develop myself in a genuine and authentic way. Through the work we have done together, I was able to get the resources I needed to lose my anxiety and to become a more attractive person to others and to myself”.

Managing Director, Investment Banking, New York



Please contact us for more information about Performance Impact life coaching

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